About Us


Visadar Industrial Group

Visadar Industrial Group produces all types of coiled power supply, double wall power supply, expansion power supply and stored power supply for use in the motor room of government and private offices, hospitals, residential towers, universities, etc. By providing the best quality goods and services, Visadar Sanat considers its priority to satisfy its customers and colleagues.
and announces the ready construction of spa resources and storage according to the customer’s order with any capacity and material.
The Lord of the universe is the teacher of the whole universe and the source of absolute grace. He taught man a very small part of his knowledge and this small amount leads to new unknowns every day.
Praise be to God, who made it possible to work in the field of industry, so that we can take a step in the field of industry and the production of spa resources as well as storage resources.
visadar Sanat manufacturing industrial group by hiring capable and experienced people and experienced engineers to adhere to this task.We stepped into the field of production so that we can take a small step in this way in the industry of my country.

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